Other Disposable Product - COOK Tüketici Ürünleri
KurumsalOnline Alışveriş

Other Disposable Product

Cook Adana skewers ,Wooden Shish,Ricepuding bowl,Pipet and toothpick  product, for retail and wholesale businesses home , hotel, restaurant, fast food,cafe,catering

Cook Ricepuding - 8 pieces

Cook Ricepuding bowl- 25 Pieces

Cook Adana wooden shish

Cook Wooden mixer

Cook tick pipet - 100 pieces

Cook bendy tick pipet - 100 pieces

Cook tick Pipet - 25 pieces

Cook Pipet

Cook Adana wooden shish

Cook Wooden mixer - 750 Adet

Cook gelatineless tootpick

Other Disposable Products