COOK Antibacterial Diaper Bag - COOK Tüketici Ürünleri
KurumsalOnline Alışveriş

The Coolness

COOK Antibacterial Diaper Bag

Manufactured from eco-friendly polyethylene and approved in conformity to contact with food, COOK Ice Cube Bag is the most practical and fastest way of making ice with its new Self-locking mechanism. Manufactured for over 20 years, ice cube bags are clean and hygienic, and they allow you to save space in your freezer. In each package of COOK Ice Cube Bag, there are 10 pieces of ice bag. With these bags, 28 ice cubes with the same standard, 280 pieces of ice cubes can be made and they can be used again and again. Contrary to standard ice molds, evaporation problem in frost-free freezers is eliminated; affecting of odor and aromas on ice will be blocked. You can prepare lemonade, fruit juice, iced tea and coffees with COOK Ice Bag; and you can surprise your guests and loved ones in hot summer days.

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